route that takes it 12 km [E] of its starting position in 24 min. In another 24 min, the bus turns around and retraces its path to the terminal.

A city bus leaves the terminal and travels, with a few stops, along a straight route that takes it 12 km [E] ofits starting position in 24 min. In another 24 min, the bus turns around and retraces its path to the terminal.

What is the average speed of the bus for the entire route?

b.) A 33.3 N force is acting on a 285 kg slab. Determine the acceleration of the slab.

To calculate the speed or velocity of the bus, we need to use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

Since the bus travels 12 km in 24 minutes (0.4 hours), the speed can be calculated as:

Speed = 12 km / 0.4 hours = 30 km/h

Now, in another 24 minutes (0.4 hours), the bus retraces its path back to the terminal. Since the distance is the same, and the time is the same, the speed would still be 30 km/h.

Therefore, the bus travels at a speed of 30 km/h in both directions.

To determine the total distance traveled by the bus, we need to calculate the distance covered in each leg of the journey.

First, let's find the distance covered in the initial 24-minute leg. We know that the bus traveled 12 km [E] during this time. So, to find the speed of the bus, we can divide the distance by the time:

Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = 12 km / 24 min

To convert the time to hours, we need to divide it by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in an hour):

Speed = 12 km / (24 min / 60 min/hour)
Speed = 12 km / (0.4 hour)
Speed = 30 km/h

Thus, we have determined that the speed of the bus during the initial leg was 30 km/h.

Next, let's find the distance covered in the second 24-minute leg when the bus returns to the terminal. Since the bus is retracing its path, the distance covered will still be 12 km [W].

Finally, to find the total distance traveled, we can simply add the distances covered in each leg:

Total Distance = Distance Leg 1 + Distance Leg 2
Total Distance = 12 km [E] + 12 km [W]
Total Distance = 24 km

Therefore, the bus traveled a total distance of 24 km during the entire journey.