Simplify the following Expression

Can you please explain to me step by step? I will be adding this to my notes. Thanks.



I don't understand that?

1 - 2 + 4 = 3

Really? Just as simple as that?


One Step?

What did you do?

You can do it using the distributive property as J and Ms Sue did, or you can use it implicitly, working term by term


Their answers basically factored out the z, as in


To simplify the expression z - 2z + 4z + 6, you can combine the like terms, which means combining the terms that have the same variable raised to the same power (in this case, z).

Step 1: Collect the like terms.
Start by combining the terms with z. In this expression, we have three terms with z: z, -2z, and 4z.

Step 2: Add or subtract the coefficients.
To combine the terms, add or subtract the coefficients (the numbers multiplied by z). In this case, we have z - 2z + 4z.

Step 3: Simplify the coefficients.
To simplify the coefficients, add or subtract them. In this case, the coefficients are 1, -2, and 4.

Step 4: Combine the simplified terms.
Combine the simplified coefficients with z. In this case, the simplified expression is z - 2z + 4z = (-2z + 4z) + z.

Step 5: Simplify further if possible.
In this case, since (-2z + 4z) simplifies to 2z, the final simplified expression is 2z + z.

Step 6: Add the coefficients.
Combine the coefficients: 2 + 1 = 3.

Step 7: Rewrite the expression.
Rewrite the expression using the simplified coefficients and the variable: 3z.

Therefore, the simplified expression is 3z.