1. A percentile rank represents the percentage of people who scored at or below the test score.


2. People who have high resting heart rates usually have high levels of cardiovascular fitness.


3. Resting heart rate is usually measured when you awake, before getting out of bed, or at least ______
minutes after doing a light activity.


4. Oxygen, blood fats, and _________ are nutrients necessary for prolonged activity.

5. Flexibility testing is used to determine how well your joints and muscles move through a maximal ________.
range of motion

true, true, 20, Carbohydrates, range of motion. I am not sure all of those are right but I think I am.

you think correctly.



no I did the test and it's

then the rest is right

1. True

To determine the percentile rank of a test score, you would need to compare the score to the scores of others who have taken the same test. The percentile rank represents the percentage of people who scored at or below the test score. For example, if someone's test score has a percentile rank of 80%, it means that their score is equal to or better than 80% of the scores of all the people who have taken the test.

2. False

Having a high resting heart rate does not necessarily indicate high levels of cardiovascular fitness. Resting heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute when you are at rest. While a lower resting heart rate is generally associated with good cardiovascular fitness, a high resting heart rate can be caused by various factors such as stress, certain medications, and health conditions.

3. 30

Resting heart rate is typically measured when you awake, before getting out of bed, or at least 30 minutes after doing a light activity. This allows your heart rate to return to its resting state. It is important to measure your resting heart rate under these conditions to get an accurate measurement.

4. Carbohydrates

In addition to oxygen and blood fats, carbohydrates are nutrients necessary for prolonged activity. Carbohydrates are a macronutrient that provide energy for physical activity. They are broken down into glucose, which is then used by the body as fuel. Glucose is stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver, and it is an important source of energy during physical exercise.

5. Range of motion

Flexibility testing is used to determine how well your joints and muscles move through a maximal range of motion. It assesses the ability of your body to bend, stretch, and move freely without pain or restriction. Flexibility is an important component of physical fitness and is necessary for various activities and sports.