Hot dog buns come in packages of eight Mrs. Wilson has a total of 40 hot dog buns draw a picture to find out how many packages of hot dog buns Mrs. Wilson has

Hot dog buns come in packages of 8. Mrs. Wilson has a total of 40 hot dog buns. Draw a picture to find how many packages of hot dog buns Mrs. Wilson has.

How many packages did you draw?

Since its 8. do 8+40=48!

To draw a visual representation to find out how many packages of hot dog buns Mrs. Wilson has, you can create a simple diagram.

1. Start by drawing a rectangle to represent the total number of hot dog buns. Label this rectangle as "40 buns" or simply write "40" inside it.

2. Next, draw smaller rectangles inside the larger one to represent individual packages of hot dog buns. Each smaller rectangle will represent one package. Make sure to draw eight of these smaller rectangles to indicate that each package contains eight hot dog buns.

3. Count the number of smaller rectangles to determine how many packages Mrs. Wilson has. Each small rectangle corresponds to one package, so the total count of smaller rectangles will give you the answer.

For example, if you observe that there are five smaller rectangles inside the larger rectangle, it means that Mrs. Wilson has five packages of hot dog buns (as each package contains eight buns).

By visually representing the problem, you can easily determine the number of packages of hot dog buns Mrs. Wilson has.