At which latitude is Antarctica?

0 degrees

lowest degrees

highest degrees

Antarctica spans across a wide range of latitudes, but the majority of the continent is located within the Antarctic Circle, which is approximately 66.5 degrees south latitude. To determine this, you could search for the latitude range of Antarctica using an online search engine.

Here's how you can find the latitude of Antarctica using Google:

1. Open your web browser and go to
2. In the search bar, type "latitude of Antarctica" and hit Enter or click on the Google Search button.

Google will display the information you're looking for, typically showing a range of approximately 66.5 to 90 degrees south latitude for Antarctica. This means that the southernmost point of Antarctica is located at approximately 90 degrees south latitude, also known as the South Pole.

Note that the exact latitude of different locations within Antarctica may vary, but the Antarctic Circle serves as a general reference point for identifying its southernmost extent.

its still me guys I just changed my name.

ty ms.sue

YW, Casey

guys im forbiden to acess that link so what is it