Landscape with Classic Ruins and Figures by Marco Ricci and Sebastiano Ricci

Q: To evaluate the success of this image, you would do all of the following EXCEPT
A. Describe the scene presented
B. Analyze the color schemes
C. Interpret the meaning of the color usage
D. Judge the success of the painting to create depth.
Might the answer be D?

I need some help on this i am really stuck on this.

No one here has taken your course. No one here knows what you have been taught about evaluating the "success of this image."

In addition, whatever I may consider "success" may not be what your teacher or textbook writer is expecting. One of the wonderful things about art is that each person is allowed to interpret and assess each piece of art in his/her own mind.

Two other things ...

1. Note that the question asks which you would NOT do in determining the "success" of the work.

2. Which work is it?

Did you figure it out? I am working on this too! Confusing!

Writeacher isn't so very nice.

Ms. Sue is way nicer

You are correct, the answer to the question is D. To evaluate the success of the painting "Landscape with Classic Ruins and Figures" by Marco Ricci and Sebastiano Ricci, you would NOT judge the success of the painting to create depth.

When evaluating a painting, one would typically consider various elements and aspects. Let's break down each option:

A. Describing the scene presented: To evaluate a painting, it is important to describe the scene presented. This includes analyzing the composition, the objects depicted, and the overall subject matter.

B. Analyzing the color schemes: Color is a crucial element in any artwork. Analyzing the color schemes used in a painting helps to understand the artist's choices and the impact they have on the work. It involves studying the hues, tones, and contrasts employed.

C. Interpreting the meaning of the color usage: Colors can symbolize different emotions or ideas, and artists often use them deliberately to convey a particular meaning. Interpreting the meaning behind the color choices allows for a deeper understanding of the artwork and the artists' intentions.

D. Judging the success of creating depth: Creating depth in a two-dimensional painting is an important aspect of its success. It refers to the ability to make the painting appear three-dimensional, giving a sense of space and perspective. However, the question asks you to identify the exception, meaning you would not judge the success of creating depth in this evaluation.

Based on these explanations, the answer is indeed D.