a ribbon is 3 2/3 yards long. Mae needs to cut the ribbon into pieces that are 2/3 yard long. use the model to find the number of pieces she can cut. Please help answer. thanks.

2.67 / 0.67 = ?

To find the number of pieces that Mae can cut from a ribbon that is 3 2/3 yards long, we need to divide the total length of the ribbon by the desired length of each piece.

The total length of the ribbon is 3 2/3 yards, which can be written as a mixed number or an improper fraction.

We can convert the mixed number 3 2/3 to an improper fraction by multiplying the whole number (3) by the denominator of the fraction (3) and adding the numerator (2). The denominator remains the same.

3 * 3 = 9
9 + 2 = 11

So, 3 2/3 can be written as 11/3.

Now, we can divide the length of the ribbon (11/3) by the desired length of each piece (2/3).

To divide fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

11/3 ÷ 2/3 = 11/3 * 3/2

Now, multiply the numerators (top numbers) together and the denominators (bottom numbers) together:

(11 * 3) / (3 * 2) = 33/6

The fraction 33/6 can be simplified. Both the numerator and denominator are divisible by 3:

(33 ÷ 3) / (6 ÷ 3) = 11/2

So, Mae can cut the ribbon into 11 pieces that are 2/3 yards long.

To find the number of pieces Mae can cut, we need to divide the total length of the ribbon by the length of each piece.

First, we have a ribbon that is 3 2/3 yards long. To convert this mixed number to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (3) by the denominator of the fraction (3) and then add the numerator (2), giving us a total of 11/3 yards.

Next, we divide the total length of the ribbon (11/3 yards) by the length of each piece (2/3 yard). To do this division, we need to multiply the numerator of the first fraction (11) by the denominator of the second fraction (3), and multiply the denominator of the first fraction (3) by the numerator of the second fraction (2). This gives us (11 * 3) / (3 * 2), which simplifies to 33/6.

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 3. Dividing both 33 and 6 by 3 gives us 11/2.

Therefore, Mae can cut the ribbon into 11 pieces that are 2/3 yard long.