An emergency plumber chargers $65 as a call-out fee plus an additional $75 per hour. He arrives at a house at 9:30 and works to repair a water tank. If the total repair bill is $196.25, at what time was the repair completed? In order to solve this problem, we collect the information from the text an convert it to an equation.

Add 1 hour and 45 minutes to 9:30

To solve this problem, let's first understand the given information.

We know that the emergency plumber charges a call-out fee of $65 and an additional $75 per hour for their service.

Next, we are given that the repair bill, which includes the call-out fee and the plumber's service charge, is $196.25.

Let's assume the time taken to complete the repair is "t" hours.

Based on the given information, we can set up the equation to solve for "t".

Call-out fee + Service charge for "t" hours = Total repair bill

$65 + ($75 * t) = $196.25

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of "t".

$65 + $75t = $196.25

Subtracting $65 from both sides:

$75t = $196.25 - $65

$75t = $131.25

Now, divide both sides of the equation by $75:

t = $131.25 / $75

t = 1.75

So, it took 1.75 hours to complete the repair.

To determine the completion time, we need to add 1.75 hours to the initial arrival time.

9:30 AM + 1.75 hours = 11:15 AM

Therefore, the repair was completed at 11:15 AM.

How Do I Figure That Out ?

cost = 65 + 75t

so if
65+75t = 196.25
75t = 131.25
t = 1.75

so the job took 1 hour and 45 minutes, I will let you figure out when the job was done