the integration of (e^x)/(1-E^2x)^3/2 with respect to x

We are currently doing integration by tables, but I can't find the formula that I should use!

Wolfram says:

If u = e^x, then

(e^x)/(1-e^2x)^3/2 dx
= du/(1-u^2)^3/2

Now you can easily find that the integral is


which is what Reiny provided.

To find the integration formula for the given expression, we can start by identifying the form of the integrand. In this case, we have

∫ (e^x)/(1 - e^2x)^(3/2) dx.

This is a rational function where the numerator contains an exponential function and the denominator has a square root term. To simplify this expression, we can make a substitution to transform it into a more recognizable form.

Let's substitute u = 1 - e^2x. To find du, differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to x:

du/dx = -2e^2x.

Rearranging this expression, we get dx = -(1/(2e^x))^(-1) du = -(e^x/(2u)) du.

Now, we can rewrite the integral in terms of u:

∫ (e^x)/(1 - e^2x)^(3/2) dx = ∫ (e^x)/(u^(3/2)) (-e^x/(2u)) du = ∫ (-1/2) du.

The last integral is straightforward:

-1/2 ∫ du = -u/2 + C,

where C is the constant of integration.

Finally, undo the substitution by replacing u with its original expression:

-1/2 (1 - e^2x) + C.

Therefore, the final result of the integration is:

∫ (e^x)/(1 - e^2x)^(3/2) dx = -1/2 (1 - e^2x) + C.