How do you write 72.053 in word form

seventy-two and fifty-three thousandths

Seventy-two and fifty-three thousandths

To write the number 72.053 in word form, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the whole number part.
The whole number part is 72, so we can write it as "seventy-two".

Step 2: Write the decimal part.
The decimal part is 053. Since there are no whole tens or whole ones in the decimal part, we can write it as "zero hundred fifty-three".

Step 3: Combine the whole number and decimal parts.
Combine the two parts by using the word "and" between them. So, "seventy-two" and "zero hundred fifty-three" can be written together as "seventy-two and zero hundred fifty-three".

Putting it all together, 72.053 can be written in word form as "seventy-two and zero hundred fifty-three".