Create a C program that contains a function that computes the final price for a sales transaction and return that value to a calling method. The function requires three arguments: product price, salesperson commission rate and customer discount rate. A product final price is the original price plus the commission amount minus the discount amount; the customer discount is taken as a percentage of the total price after the salesperson commission has been added to the original price. Write a main( ) method that prompts the user for the price of an item, the salesperson commission expressed as a percentage, and the customer discount expressed as a percentage and that then passes the values to the function.

Give the price of an item bought at a sale, Subtract 10% from the original price and print the new price

Here's the step-by-step guide to create a C program that calculates the final price for a sales transaction:

Step 1: Declare the necessary header files for input and output operations:


Step 2: Declare the function `calculateFinalPrice` that computes the final price:

float calculateFinalPrice(float price, float commissionRate, float discountRate) {
float commission = price * (commissionRate / 100);
float totalAfterCommission = price + commission;
float discount = totalAfterCommission * (discountRate / 100);
float finalPrice = totalAfterCommission - discount;

return finalPrice;

Step 3: Write the `main` function:

int main() {
float price, commissionRate, discountRate;

printf("Enter the price of the item: ");
scanf("%f", &price);

printf("Enter the salesperson commission rate (in percentage): ");
scanf("%f", &commissionRate);

printf("Enter the customer discount rate (in percentage): ");
scanf("%f", &discountRate);

float finalPrice = calculateFinalPrice(price, commissionRate, discountRate);

printf("The final price is: %.2f\n", finalPrice);

return 0;

Step 4: Compile and run the program. You can use an IDE or a command-line compiler to compile the program.

Now, when you run the program, it will prompt you to enter the price of the item, the salesperson commission rate (as a percentage), and the customer discount rate (as a percentage). After entering the values, the program will calculate the final price and display it to the user.

I hope this helps you create the desired C program!

Here's an example of a C program that includes a function to compute the final price and returns it to the calling method "main()":

#include <stdio.h>

float computeFinalPrice(float price, float commissionRate, float discountRate) {
float commissionAmount = price * (commissionRate / 100); // Calculate the commission amount
float totalPrice = price + commissionAmount; // Calculate the total price

float discountAmount = totalPrice * (discountRate / 100); // Calculate the discount amount
float finalPrice = totalPrice - discountAmount; // Calculate the final price

return finalPrice; // Return the final price to the calling method

int main() {
float price, commissionRate, discountRate;

// Prompt the user for input
printf("Enter the price of the item: ");
scanf("%f", &price);

printf("Enter the salesperson commission rate (in percentage): ");
scanf("%f", &commissionRate);

printf("Enter the customer discount rate (in percentage): ");
scanf("%f", &discountRate);

// Call the function and store the result
float finalPrice = computeFinalPrice(price, commissionRate, discountRate);

// Display the final price to the user
printf("The final price is: %.2f\n", finalPrice);

return 0;

To run this program, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a C programming environment, such as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or a compiler.
2. Create a new C file and copy the code provided.
3. Compile and run the program.
4. The program will prompt you to enter the price of the item, salesperson commission rate, and customer discount rate.
5. After entering the values, the program will calculate and display the final price.

Note: In the code example, the formula used for calculating the commission amount and discount amount assumed that the commission and discount rates are given as percentages. If the rates are given as decimal values (e.g., 0.1 for 10%), you can modify the formula by removing the division by 100.