write an integer to represent a loss of 5 yards in football.


Write the sum as a product, then simplify the product.

(–8) + (–8) + (–8) + (–8)
2(–8) + 2(–8) = –30
4(–8) = –32
4(–8) = 32
5(–8) = –40

What is the value of the expression below?
negative four minus three minus six minus two

|-4 -3| - |6 - 2|

Which word phrase could represent the variable expression 3d + 5? Let d = Beth's age.

five more than Beth’s age times three
three times Beth’s age minus five
five times Beth’s age plus three
three minus Beth’s age times five

–10 + 3 + (–1)


scuba diver descends 350 ft and then another 225 ft. Express the diver’s final depth as an integer.
–575 ft
525 ft
575 ft

I'll be glad to check your answers.

To represent a loss of 5 yards in football, you would use the integer –5.

To simplify the sum as a product:
(–8) + (–8) + (–8) + (–8) can be expressed as 4(–8)

To simplify the product:
2(–8) + 2(–8) = –32

To represent the expression "negative four minus three minus six minus two":
|-4 -3| - |6 - 2| simplifies to |-7| - |4| which equals –11.

To represent the variable expression 3d + 5, where d represents Beth's age:
The word phrase "three times Beth’s age plus three" could represent the expression 3d + 5.

To simplify the expression –10 + 3 + (–1):
–10 + 3 + (–1) simplifies to –8.

To express the scuba diver's final depth after descending 350 ft and then another 225 ft as an integer, you add the two distances together. In this case, it would be –350 + (–225) = –575 ft. So, the diver's final depth is –575 ft.