What rites of passage do individuals confront in the selection my brothers keeper?

To understand the rites of passage that individuals confront in the story "My Brother's Keeper," one needs to read the text and analyze the character development and the challenges they face. Here's a general approach to help you find the answer:

1. Read the story: Start by reading "My Brother's Keeper" to gain a complete understanding of the characters, their relationships, and the events.

2. Identify the characters: Pay attention to the main characters in the story and their relationships with each other. In "My Brother's Keeper," the central characters are the two brothers, Harold and Donald.

3. Observe character development: As you read, observe how the characters change or grow throughout the story. Look for moments of personal growth, enlightenment, or transformation.

4. Analyze their challenges: Identify the challenges faced by the characters, especially those that test their strength, resilience, or character. These challenges often serve as rites of passage, marking significant transitions in their lives.

5. Note internal and external conflicts: Pay attention to both internal conflicts (struggles within a character's mind or emotions) and external conflicts (struggles with other characters or external circumstances). These conflicts often create opportunities for character development.

6. Look for pivotal moments: Identify key events or moments in the story where the characters face significant challenges or make important decisions. These moments often represent rites of passage.

7. Consider themes and symbolism: Reflect on any overarching themes or symbolic elements within the story that relate to rites of passage. These may provide additional insights into the characters' journeys.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the specific rites of passage that individuals confront in the story "My Brother's Keeper." Remember, the interpretation of these rites of passage may vary based on your analysis and perspective.