Jesse and Larry entered a pie eating contest. Jesse ate 5 less than twice as many pies as Larry. They ate a total of 16 pies. How many pies did each eat.

L = Larry

L + (2L - 5) = 16

3L = 21

L - 7

To solve this problem, let's assign some variables:

Let's say that Larry ate x pies.
According to the problem, Jesse ate 5 less than twice as many pies as Larry, which can be expressed as: 2x - 5.

We also know that they ate a total of 16 pies, so we can write the equation:

x + (2x - 5) = 16

Now, let's solve for x:

Combining like terms:
3x - 5 = 16

Adding 5 to both sides:
3x = 21

Dividing both sides by 3:
x = 7

Therefore, Larry ate 7 pies.

To find out how many pies Jesse ate, we substitute x with 7 in the expression 2x - 5:

2(7) - 5 = 14 - 5 = 9

Therefore, Jesse ate 9 pies.

So, Larry ate 7 pies, and Jesse ate 9 pies.