A recipe for fruit salad serves 4 people. It calls for 2 oranges and 16 grapes. You want to serve 10 people. How many oranges and how many grapes will you need?


2/4 = x/10

4x = 20
x = 5 oranges

Set up the same proportion for grapes. Cross multiply and solve.

Thank you, once again.

You're very welcome.

To determine how many oranges and grapes you will need to make fruit salad for 10 people, we can use a proportion based on the original recipe.

First, let's calculate the ratio of people to fruits in the original recipe:
Original ratio = 4 people / (2 oranges + 16 grapes)

Next, we can set up a proportion to find the number of fruits needed for 10 people:
Original ratio = 4 people / (2 oranges + 16 grapes) = 10 people / (x oranges + y grapes)

Cross-multiplying, we get:
4 people * (x oranges + y grapes) = 10 people * (2 oranges + 16 grapes)

Expanding the equation:
4x oranges + 4y grapes = 20 oranges + 160 grapes

Now, we can separate the oranges and grapes on each side of the equation:
4x - 20 oranges = 160 grapes - 4y

To simplify the equation further, we divide both sides by 4:
x - 5 oranges = 40 grapes - y

Finally, rearranging the equation to isolate the variables:
x = 40 grapes - y + 5 oranges

So, to serve 10 people, you would need x oranges and y grapes, where x = 40 - y + 5.

Since the original recipe calls for 2 oranges and 16 grapes, we can substitute these values into the equation:
x = 40 - y + 5
2 = 40 - 16 + 5
2 = 29 - y

By subtracting 29 from both sides, we find:
2 - 29 = -y
-27 = -y

Multiplying both sides by -1, we get:
27 = y

Therefore, to serve 10 people, you would need 27 grapes and (40 - 27 + 5) = 18 oranges.