1) Alexis Received an 85, 89, and 92 On Three Tests. How Many Does She Need To Score On Her Next Test In Order To Have An Average Of At Least 90?

2) 1/5(30 + a)< 5


1) See later post.

2) An inequality is treated just like an equation, except that multiplying/dividing by a negative value reverses the carat (< to >).

Multiply both sides by 5.

30 + a < 25

Subtract 30 from both sides.

Sure, I can help you with both questions! Let's take them one by one:

1) To find out how many Alexis needs to score on her next test in order to have an average of at least 90, we can use the concept of average. The average is calculated by dividing the sum of all the numbers by the total count of numbers. In this case, Alexis has taken three tests and received scores of 85, 89, and 92.

To have an average of at least 90, we need to calculate the sum of these three scores and divide it by 3 (the total count of scores). Let's do that:

(85 + 89 + 92) / 3 = 266 / 3 = 88.67 (after rounding)

Therefore, Alexis currently has an average of 88.67. To find out how many marks she needs to score on her next test, subtract her current average from the desired average, which is 90:

90 - 88.67 = 1.33

So, Alexis needs to score at least 1.33 more marks on her next test to achieve an average of at least 90. This can be rounded up to 2 marks to be on the safer side.

2) In the second question, we have an inequality: 1/5(30 + a) < 5. To solve this inequality, we need to isolate the variable "a".

Let's simplify the left side of the inequality:

1/5(30 + a) < 5

Multiplying both sides of the inequality by 5 to get rid of the fraction:

30 + a < 25

Subtracting 30 from both sides:

a < 25 - 30
a < -5

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is a < -5. So for any value of "a" less than -5, the inequality will be true.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.