sumiko is allowed to watch no more than 10 hours of televisione ach week she has watched 4 hours of television already. write and solve an inequality to show many more hours of television sumiko can watch


10 ≥ 4 + h

Remember that the MOST he can watch is 10, so whatever he watches has to be less than or equal to 10.

To write the inequality, we consider that Sumiko can watch no more than 10 hours of television each week. Since she has already watched 4 hours, let's represent the number of additional hours she can watch as "h".

Therefore, the inequality is:
10 ≤ 4 + h

To solve for the maximum number of hours Sumiko can watch, we need to isolate "h" on one side of the inequality.

First, subtract 4 from both sides of the inequality:
10 - 4 ≤ 4 + h - 4
6 ≤ h

So, Sumiko can watch a maximum of 6 more hours of television.

To find out how many more hours of television Sumiko can watch, we need to set up an inequality.

Let's use the variable "h" to represent the number of additional hours Sumiko can watch. We know that she has already watched 4 hours, so the total number of hours she can watch, including the ones already watched, must be less than or equal to 10.

The inequality can be written as:
4 + h ≤ 10

To solve this inequality for "h", we can subtract 4 from both sides of the inequality:
4 + h - 4 ≤ 10 - 4
h ≤ 6

Therefore, Sumiko can watch no more than 6 additional hours of television.