One who believes in a social contract theory would most agree with which statement? (Points : 1)

people do not need laws to live harmoniously in society.
humans make contracts in order to buy things.
in order to establish society, humans agree to obey certain rules.
the government has the right to redistribute wealth as it sees fit.
none of the above.

in order to establish society, humans agree to obey certain rules.

One who believes in a social contract theory would most agree with which statement? (Points : 1)

people do not need laws to live harmoniously in society.
humans make contracts in order to buy things.
in order to establish society, humans agree to obey certain rules.
the government has the right to redistribute wealth as it sees fit.
none of the above.

To determine which statement someone who believes in a social contract theory would most likely agree with, let's first understand the concept of social contract theory. Social contract theory suggests that individuals voluntarily agree to form a society and abide by its rules for their mutual benefit and protection.

Now, let's evaluate the provided statements:

1) "People do not need laws to live harmoniously in society." - This statement contradicts the fundamental idea of social contract theory. Social contract theory proposes that individuals establish societies precisely because they recognize the need for laws and rules to maintain order and fairness in their interactions. Therefore, this statement is unlikely to be supported by someone who believes in the social contract theory.

2) "Humans make contracts in order to buy things." - This statement pertains to individual transactions and contracts for personal purchases, rather than the broader concept of a social contract. While individuals do make contracts to buy and sell goods, this statement does not address the establishment of society or the underlying principles of social contract theory.

3) "In order to establish society, humans agree to obey certain rules." - This statement aligns with the principles of social contract theory. It suggests that individuals willingly agree to follow certain rules and laws as part of their social contract. This agreement helps in organizing society and upholding the principles of order, protection, and mutual benefit.

4) "The government has the right to redistribute wealth as it sees fit." - This statement touches on a different concept known as political philosophy, specifically the issue of wealth distribution. While social contract theory may influence ideas on how wealth should be distributed in society, it does not necessarily imply that the government has an inherent right to redistribute as it pleases. This statement is not directly tied to the core principles of social contract theory.

Based on the analysis, the statement that aligns most with the social contract theory is: "In order to establish society, humans agree to obey certain rules."