I'm back. I didn't understand the answer yesterday, and I re-read my book, but I'm still confused. Can you help?

1. Why did the system of feudalism arise during the Middle Ages?

A. to develop an economic system
B. to determine jobs within a city
C. to defend the countries from attacks
D. to organize the household of noblemen.

My answer- C

please no spam!!! I don't want spam!!!

What don't you understand about this?


I don't get WHY A is correct. I also think C is correct!

In those days, "countries" as we know them were simply loosely organized groups of noblemen (and their knights, etc.) who banded together to fend off others who would take over their territories. Even as late as the 1860s, Germany was not one country.


What did the system of feudalism include?
a lord (maybe a baron or duke or someone with a similar title)
his knights and others who formed his army or fighting force
the people who supported the lord's household and army -- farmers, merchants, serfs, et al.

Without that economic/political/social system, the lord wouldn't have been able to succeed in his goals of protecting his territory.


It was C. Huh? I finished, and the answer was C.

Oh wait. I get it. Thanks!

Of course, I'm here to help! Based on the options given, the correct answer to the question, "Why did the system of feudalism arise during the Middle Ages?" would be option A - to develop an economic system.

Now, let's break down the explanation for why this is the correct answer:

Feudalism was a social and economic system that emerged during the Middle Ages in Europe. It was characterized by a hierarchical structure in which powerful landowners, known as lords or nobles, granted land to vassals in exchange for service and loyalty. The vassals, also known as knights, were responsible for protecting and serving their lords. These knights, in turn, could also grant land to other knights or peasants, known as serfs, to work the land in exchange for some of the crops they produced.

Feudalism developed primarily as an economic system because it allowed for the organization of agricultural production. The feudal lords had the land and resources, while the vassals and serfs worked the land, thus creating a system that allowed for the production of food and goods. This system allowed for economic stability and self-sufficiency within the feudal estates.

While options B, C, and D may have played a role within the feudal system, they are not the primary reason for its existence. Option B suggests that the system of feudalism was created to determine jobs within a city, but feudalism was primarily a rural system centered around agricultural production, not urban areas. Option C mentions defending countries from attacks, which did occur in feudal Europe, but defense was only part of the system rather than its sole purpose. Option D talks about organizing the household of noblemen, which is an aspect of feudalism but does not fully explain its origins and purpose.

Remember, when trying to answer a question like this, it can be helpful to eliminate options that do not align with your understanding of the topic. Taking the time to analyze each option and reasoning behind it will lead you to the most accurate answer.