Which of the following units are in order from smallest to largest? a) Epoch, period, era. b) Era, epoch, period. c) Period, era, epoch. d) Epoch, era, period.

True or False? Folding, as well as motion along faults, can change the position of rock layers and how they line up with other layers.

True or False? During radioactive decay, atoms of a radioactive element break down and change into other atoms of another element- all at once.

My Answers: 1) c
2) True
3) False


what is the answer

Alright I will look up how big each time scale is and come back.

To determine the correct answers, let's break down each question and explain how to arrive at the correct choice.

1) Which of the following units are in order from smallest to largest? a) Epoch, period, era. b) Era, epoch, period. c) Period, era, epoch. d) Epoch, era, period.

To determine the order of these geologic time units, we need to understand the hierarchy. The correct order, from smallest to largest, is "a) Epoch, period, era."

Explanation: In the geologic time scale, an epoch is the smallest subdivision, followed by a period, and then an era. So, an epoch is smaller than a period, and both are smaller than an era. Thus, the correct answer is "a) Epoch, period, era."

2) True or False? Folding, as well as motion along faults, can change the position of rock layers and how they line up with other layers.

To determine whether the statement is true or false, let's consider the processes involved.

Explanation: Folding refers to the process of bending and deforming rock layers due to compressional forces. Motion along faults refers to the displacement and sliding of rock layers along fractures. Both processes can indeed change the position of rock layers and alter their alignment with other layers. Therefore, the correct answer is "True."

3) True or False? During radioactive decay, atoms of a radioactive element break down and change into other atoms of another element - all at once.

To determine whether the statement is true or false, let's consider the process of radioactive decay and its implications.

Explanation: During radioactive decay, the nucleus of a radioactive atom spontaneously undergoes a transformation, emitting particles or radiation in the process. This transformation leads to the formation of a new atom, typically belonging to a different element. However, this transformation occurs gradually over a period of time, with each decay event resulting in a new atom. Therefore, the statement that atoms change "all at once" is incorrect. The correct answer is "False."

Based on the explanations provided, the correct answers are:
1) c) Period, era, epoch.
2) True.
3) False.