The Jamestown settlers saved their colony by planting blank.

A. maize
B. cotton
C. tobacco
D. wheat
Is the answer C?
Thank You for any help.

Yes, it's C.

is it C

its c

Yes, you are correct! The Jamestown settlers saved their colony by planting tobacco, so the answer is C.

To arrive at this answer, we can use our knowledge about the history of the Jamestown colony. Jamestown was the first successful English settlement in North America, established in 1607. In the early years, the settlers faced numerous challenges, such as harsh weather, disease, and a lack of food.

To save their struggling colony, the Jamestown settlers turned to cultivating tobacco as a cash crop. Tobacco became a valuable commodity, and its cultivation and export provided a much-needed source of income for the colony. The success of tobacco cultivation in Jamestown helped to stabilize the colony's economy and ensure its survival.

By understanding the historical context and the significance of various crops, we can determine that the Jamestown settlers saved their colony by planting tobacco (option C).