8.5 Ed's = 10 Ebb's, 12 Ersk's = 100 Ed's and 5 Ebb's = 1 Zum.

How many Zum's in approx. 1 Ersk?

Starts out: 1 Ersk*__________

1 ersk * ( 100 ed / 12 ersk ) * ( 10 ebb / 9.5 ed ) * ( 1 zum / 5 ebbs)

Calculate it yourself

Is it about 2 Zums?

To solve this problem, we can use the given conversion rates between different units to find the answer. Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Start with 1 Ersk.

Step 2: According to the given information, 12 Ersk's are equivalent to 100 Ed's. To convert from Ersk to Ed, we need to multiply by the conversion factor:

1 Ersk * (100 Ed's / 12 Ersk's) = 8.33 Ed's

Step 3: Now we have 8.33 Ed's. We know that 8.5 Ed's are equivalent to 10 Ebb's. To convert from Ed to Ebb, we multiply by the conversion factor:

8.33 Ed's * (10 Ebb's / 8.5 Ed's) = 9.80 Ebb's

Step 4: Finally, we have 9.80 Ebb's. According to the given information, 5 Ebb's are equivalent to 1 Zum. To convert from Ebb to Zum, we multiply by the conversion factor:

9.80 Ebb's * (1 Zum / 5 Ebb's) = 1.96 Zum's

Therefore, there are approximately 1.96 Zum's in 1 Ersk, based on the given conversion rates.