-1v + 5 + 6v = 1 + 5v + 3

-1v + 5 + 6v = 1 + 5v + 3

5v + 5 = 5v + 4

No solution


To solve the given equation, we can start by combining like terms on both sides of the equation.

On the left side, we have -1v and 6v. We can combine these two terms by adding their coefficients:

-1v + 6v = 5v

So the left side of the equation becomes:

5v + 5 + 6v = 1 + 5v + 3

Now, let's combine the constant terms on both sides. We have 5 and 1 on the left side, and 3 on the right side. We can combine these by adding:

5 + 1 = 6

So the equation becomes:

11v + 5 = 6 + 5v + 3

Next, let's combine the variable terms on both sides. We have 11v and 5v on the left side, and 5v on the right side. We can combine these by subtracting 5v from both sides:

11v - 5v = 5v - 5v

On the left side, 11v - 5v simplifies to 6v, and on the right side, 5v - 5v simplifies to 0:

6v = 0

Finally, to isolate the variable v, we divide both sides of the equation by 6:

6v / 6 = 0 / 6

This simplifies to:

v = 0

So the solution to the equation is v = 0.