Should be easy, this.

The two south pole ends of two magnets are touching. Which of the following can be concluded?

A. No work was required by an outside force.
B. The magnets are naturally attracted to each other.
C. Work was required by an outside force.
D. The potential energy of the magnets is low.

My answer- D


The answer for Pearson is C

The answers are


To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to consider the concept of magnetic forces and potential energy.

First, let's understand the magnetic poles and their behavior. Magnets have two poles, namely the North pole (N) and the South pole (S). According to the laws of magnetism, opposite poles attract each other, while like poles repel each other. In this scenario, where the south pole ends of two magnets are touching, we have like poles facing each other, which means they should repel.

Now, let's analyze the answer choices:

A. No work was required by an outside force: This statement implies that the magnets moved together without any external force acting upon them. However, based on the laws of magnetism, the magnets should repel each other. Therefore, an external force would be needed to bring the magnets together against their natural behavior. So, this statement is incorrect.

B. The magnets are naturally attracted to each other: This statement implies that magnets are naturally attracted to each other. However, in this scenario, the same poles (south poles) are touching each other, which means they should repel. So, this statement is incorrect.

C. Work was required by an outside force: This statement suggests that an external force was needed to bring the magnets together against their natural behavior, which is correct. Same poles repel each other, so an external force would be required to overcome this repulsion and bring the magnets together.

D. The potential energy of the magnets is low: The potential energy of a system is typically low when the objects in the system are close to each other or at stable equilibrium. In this scenario, the magnets repel each other, indicating that they are not at a stable position. Therefore, the potential energy of the magnets is higher rather than lower. So, this statement is incorrect.

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is C. Work was required by an outside force.


I want to know how you get two south poles to touch.