The desert tortoise digs a burrow and hides in it during the day to stay cool, because of the extreme heat above ground. Which characteristic of life does this behavior best illustrate?

A- response

B- metabolism

C- cellular organization

D- growth and development

(my guess is A)

Which statement best illustrates how an organism maintains homeostasis?

A- Parents pass their traits to their offspring.

B- Female barn swallows mate with long-tailed males.

C- Young hawks have different kinds of feathers than adult hawks.

D-Desert pack rats are active at night to conserve water.

(My guess is D)

If you set up an experiment and the results do not support your hypothesis, what should you conclude?

A- You may want to alter some aspects of your experiment and try it again.

B- You should give up on research.

C- You must have made a mistake in your experiment.

D- Your hypothesis was bad.

(My guess is A)

Agree for all.

For the first question, the behavior of the desert tortoise digging a burrow to stay cool during the day best illustrates the characteristic of life referred to as response. The ability of an organism to respond to changes or stimuli in its environment is a fundamental characteristic of life.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options C and D. Cellular organization refers to the way cells are organized in an organism, which is not directly related to the behavior of the tortoise. Growth and development, on the other hand, refers to changes and maturation of an organism over time, which is not specifically indicated by the behavior of the tortoise in the given scenario.

Metabolism refers to the chemical processes that occur within an organism to maintain life, including energy production and nutrient utilization. While the tortoise's behavior indirectly relates to metabolism (as it helps the tortoise regulate its body temperature to support metabolic processes), it is not the most directly relevant characteristic in this case.

Therefore, the most suitable answer is A - response.

For the second question, the statement that best illustrates how an organism maintains homeostasis is option D - "Desert pack rats are active at night to conserve water."

Homeostasis refers to the ability of an organism to maintain stable internal conditions despite changes in the external environment. In this case, the desert pack rats' adaptation of being active at night helps them avoid the extreme heat during the day, minimizing water loss through evaporation and maintaining water balance within their bodies.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options A, B, and C. Option A describes the passing of traits from parents to offspring, which is a mechanism of inheritance and not directly related to homeostasis. Option B describes mating preferences in barn swallows, which relates to reproductive behavior rather than homeostasis. Option C describes the difference in feathers between young and adult hawks, which is more related to growth and development rather than homeostasis.

Therefore, option D - "Desert pack rats are active at night to conserve water" is the best choice.

For the third question, if the results of an experiment do not support your hypothesis, the most appropriate conclusion is option A - "You may want to alter some aspects of your experiment and try it again."

Science is an iterative process where experiments and observations help refine knowledge and understanding. If the results of an experiment do not align with the hypothesis, it does not necessarily mean that the experiment was flawed from the start. It could mean that there are additional factors or variables that were not considered or that the experimental setup needs modification.

Therefore, if the results do not support the hypothesis, it is important to critically analyze the experiment, identify potential errors or limitations, and make adjustments to improve the experiment before repeating it. This allows for a better understanding of the phenomenon under investigation and helps refine future research.

Hence, option A - "You may want to alter some aspects of your experiment and try it again" is the correct conclusion in this situation.