So I have to write an essay how do i rate canada when compared to the rest of the world. On the sheet it shows you a set up on how to write it

Introductory Sentence/ Thesis -In my opinion, canada is favourable compared to the rest of the world.

Supporting Evidence - Canada rates one of the highest based on the life expectancy.

Importance of this evidence - ?

I don't know what the importance of the evidence I provided. I don't know what to say.

A high life expectancy means the citizens live healthy lives and have access to good medical care. Long lives are good for all of us.

So I would say ; Continents like Africa has lessened lives due to poor medical care and services compared to Canada ? I don't know if it was connected to the importance of the evidence.

I wouldn't compare the country of Canada with a continent like Africa. You might mention a few other countries, though, that contrast with Canada.

When evaluating the importance of the evidence you provided, you should consider how life expectancy reflects on the overall well-being and quality of life in Canada compared to the rest of the world. Here's how you can approach explaining the importance of this evidence:

1. Life expectancy as a measure of overall health: Life expectancy is commonly used as an indicator of the general health and well-being of a population. A higher life expectancy suggests that people in Canada tend to live longer on average, which indicates better access to healthcare, quality of healthcare services, and overall healthier lifestyles.

2. Comparison to global averages: You can mention how Canada's high life expectancy compares to the global average. According to recent data, Canada's life expectancy ranked amongst the highest in the world. This demonstrates that Canada has been successful in providing its citizens with a high level of healthcare and a good quality of life, especially when compared to other countries.

3. Quality of life: A longer life expectancy implies that people in Canada have more time to enjoy their lives, contribute to their communities, and achieve personal goals. It reflects positively on the social, economic, and environmental factors that contribute to the overall well-being of Canadians.

4. Impact on other areas: Higher life expectancy can also have positive implications for economic growth, social stability, and public policy. It can indicate lower healthcare costs as individuals spend fewer years in ill health or disability and can actively participate in the workforce for more extended periods.

In summary, the importance of the evidence you provided (high life expectancy) helps to highlight Canada's favorable position compared to the rest of the world by showcasing the country's strong healthcare system, improved quality of life, and positive socio-economic effects.