Julia saw 5 times as many cars as trucks in a parking lot. If she saw 30 cars and trucks altogether in the parking lot, how many were trucks?

Let's assume the number of trucks Julia saw is 'x'.

According to the information given, Julia saw 5 times as many cars as trucks. Therefore, the number of cars she saw is 5*x.

We know that Julia saw a total of 30 cars and trucks together.

So, the equation can be written as: x + 5*x = 30.

Combining like terms, we get: 6*x = 30.

Now, let's solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 6:

x = 30/6 = 5.

Therefore, Julia saw 5 trucks in the parking lot.

To solve this problem, we can use a system of equations. Let's assume the number of trucks in the parking lot is 't'. According to the problem, Julia saw 5 times as many cars as trucks, so the number of cars would be 5t.

Therefore, the total number of cars and trucks Julia saw is given by the sum of the number of cars and number of trucks, which is 5t + t = 6t.

We are also given that Julia saw a total of 30 cars and trucks, so we can set up another equation: 6t = 30.

To find the value of 't' (the number of trucks), we can solve this equation.

Dividing both sides of the equation 6t = 30 by 6, we get t = 5.

So, there were 5 trucks in the parking lot.

If there were 6 trucks

there would be 30 cars
36 total, no good

t + 5 t = 30
6 t = 30
t = 5 not 6