A bike rental charges a $4.00 rental fee plus $2.25per hour. Selena paid $12.00 to rent a bike. How many hours did Selena rent the bike for?

I can't figure out how to round the answer

-4 -4
2.25x= 8
2.25 2.25
X= 3.555555555555555

She rented it for 3.56 hours -- a little more than three and a half hours

To solve for x in the equation 2.25x = 8, you would divide both sides of the equation by 2.25:

2.25x = 8
x = 8 / 2.25

Using a calculator or performing the division, you would get:

x ≈ 3.555555555555555

Now, to determine how many hours Selena rented the bike for, we need to round the answer to the nearest whole number.

In this case, since the number after the decimal point is greater than or equal to 5, we would round up to the next whole number. So, Selena rented the bike for 4 hours.