An airplane took off and reached an altitude of 10,000ft in 20min. How many ft per min, on average, did the airplane climb?

10,000 / 20 = ________ feet per minute

An airplane took off and reached an altitude of 10,000 feet in 25 minutes. How

many feet per minute, on average, did the airplane climb?

To calculate the average rate of climbing, divide the altitude reached (10,000ft) by the time taken (20min):

Average rate of climbing = Altitude reached / Time taken

Average rate of climbing = 10,000ft / 20min

Thus, the airplane climbed an average of 500ft per minute.

To calculate the average rate at which the airplane climbed, you need to divide the total change in altitude by the time it took to climb. In this case, the airplane climbed from the ground level to an altitude of 10,000 feet in 20 minutes.

The formula for average rate is:

Average rate = Total change / Time taken

Therefore, to find the average rate of climb, divide the total change in altitude (10,000 feet) by the time taken (20 minutes):

Average rate = 10,000 feet / 20 minutes

This can be further simplified by performing the division:

Average rate = 500 feet/minute

So, the airplane climbed at an average rate of 500 feet per minute.