Could you check my answers? Maybe recommend a good website for help.

Label independent clauses, dependent clauses, FANBOYS. Then decide sentence structure (simple, compound, complex, compound complex).

1. When you go to school, you have to go to homeroom first.
dependent: when you go to school
independent: you have to go to homeroom first
structure: complex

2. You are supposed to get all of your books for the beginning of the day.
dependent: for the beginning of the day
independent: you are supposed to get all of your books
structure: complex

3. You have to go to first period and you have to get there on time.
independent: you have to go to first period
independent: you have to get there on time
structure: compound

4. We get to talk as we walk around after lunch; I love that part of the day.
independent: we get to talk as we walk around after lunch
independent: I love that part of the day
structure: compound

5. I love to hang out with my friends because they are so much fun; I never want to leave them.
dependent: because they are so much fun
independent: I love to hang out with my friends
independent: I never want to leave them
structure: complex

6. We have to get to work after we get in our seats.
dependent: after we get in our seats
independent: we have to get to work
structure: complex

7. My mom, who is the nicest person in the world, works very hard.
dependent: who is the nicest person in the world
independent: my mom works very hard
structure: complex

8. I love to go to the beach in the summer.
independent: I love to go to the beach
(in the summer = phrase)
structure: simple

9. If you want to do well on the test, you will have to study, and you will need to work very hard.
dependent: if you want to do well on the test
independent: you will have to study
independent: you will need to work very hard
structure: compound complex

10. I must balance my schedule with after-school activities and homework.
(phrase: with after-school activities and homework)
independent: I must balance my schedule
structure: simple

1. correct

2. incorrect; "for the beginning of the day" is not a clause.

3. correct

4. incorrect; what is "as we walk around after lunch"?

5. incorrect: what is independent + independent + dependent?

6. correct

7. correct

8. correct

9. correct

10. correct


2.You are supposed to get all of your books for the beginning of the day.

prep phrase: for the beginning of the day
independent: you are supposed to get all of your books
structure: simple

4. We get to talk as we walk around after lunch; I love that part of the day.
independent: we get to talk
prep phrase: as we walk around after lunch
independent: I love that part of the day
structure: compound

5. I love to hang out with my friends because they are so much fun; I never want to leave them.
dependent: because they are so much fun
independent: I love to hang out with my friends
independent: I never want to leave them
structure: compound complex

2 and 5 are now correct.

Take #4 apart. What is each of these?

We get to talk
as we walk around after lunch
I love that part of the day.

Ok, hopefully I got it this time

independent: we get to talk
independent: I love that part of the day
dependent: as we walk around after lunch
structure: compound complex



Great job on identifying the independent clauses, dependent clauses, and FANBOYS in the sentences! Now, let's check your answers for the sentence structures and I'll also recommend a helpful website for further assistance.

1. Correct! The sentence structure is complex. It consists of one independent clause ("you have to go to homeroom first") and one dependent clause ("when you go to school").

2. Correct! The sentence structure is complex. It consists of one independent clause ("you are supposed to get all of your books") and one dependent clause ("for the beginning of the day").

3. Correct! The sentence structure is compound. It consists of two independent clauses ("you have to go to first period" and "you have to get there on time"), connected by the coordinating conjunction FANBOY ("and").

4. Correct! The sentence structure is compound. It consists of two independent clauses ("we get to talk as we walk around after lunch" and "I love that part of the day"), separated by a semicolon (;).

5. Correct! The sentence structure is complex. It consists of one independent clause ("I love to hang out with my friends") and two dependent clauses ("because they are so much fun" and "I never want to leave them").

6. Correct! The sentence structure is complex. It consists of one independent clause ("we have to get to work") and one dependent clause ("after we get in our seats").

7. Correct! The sentence structure is complex. It consists of one independent clause ("my mom works very hard") and one dependent clause ("who is the nicest person in the world").

8. Correct! The sentence structure is simple. It consists of one independent clause ("I love to go to the beach").

9. Correct! The sentence structure is compound-complex. It consists of two independent clauses ("you will have to study" and "you will need to work very hard") connected by the coordinating conjunction FANBOY ("and"), and one dependent clause ("if you want to do well on the test").

10. Correct! The sentence structure is simple. It consists of one independent clause ("I must balance my schedule").

Overall, your answers are accurate!

For further assistance with grammar and sentence structure, I recommend the website Grammarly ( It is an excellent resource for grammar explanations, writing tips, and helpful tools to improve your writing skills.