Which of the following activities represents the democratic portion of the social studies curriculum?

A. Children make a family tree.
B. Children learn the layout of the grounds surrounding their classroom.
C. Children vote on a name for a class gerbil.
D. Children study the interaction between home and workplace environments.

my answer is b.


What does that have to do with democracy?

I don't know the answer

The average dictator would name the gerbil :)

Daniela -- I suggest you study this site.


it would be c.

To determine the democratic portion of the social studies curriculum, let's consider the options provided:

A. Children make a family tree: While this activity may involve collaboration and sharing, it does not directly represent a democratic process.

B. Children learn the layout of the grounds surrounding their classroom: This activity does not necessarily reflect democratic principles, as it primarily focuses on spatial awareness and orientation.

C. Children vote on a name for a class gerbil: This activity involves a democratic process where children have the opportunity to express their preferences and participate in decision-making collectively. It represents a democratic portion of the social studies curriculum.

D. Children study the interaction between home and workplace environments: This activity focuses on understanding the relationship between home and work environments, but it does not inherently involve democratic practices.

Based on this analysis, your answer of C, where children vote on a name for a class gerbil, accurately represents the democratic portion of the social studies curriculum. Well done!