The development of fine motor skills requires all of the following except

A. criticism.
B. maturation.
C. practice.
D. instruction.

my answer is a.


The correct answer is A. criticism.

To confirm if your answer (A) is correct, let's analyze the options one by one and eliminate any that is not required for the development of fine motor skills.

A. Criticism: Criticism is not necessary for the development of fine motor skills. Criticism focuses on pointing out mistakes or deficiencies, which may discourage or hinder skill development. Therefore, criticism can be eliminated as a requirement for developing fine motor skills.

B. Maturation: Maturation refers to the natural biological process of growth and development that occurs with age. While maturation can contribute to the development of fine motor skills, it does not solely drive this development. Skills must be actively practiced and refined, so maturation alone is not sufficient.

C. Practice: Practice is crucial for the development of fine motor skills. Without regular practice, the necessary neural connections and muscle memory needed for precise and controlled movements do not develop. Practicing activities that require fine motor skills, such as writing, drawing, or using tools, is essential for improvement.

D. Instruction: Instruction is also an important factor for the development of fine motor skills. Proper guidance and instruction can provide techniques, tips, and feedback to assist in the acquisition of these skills. It helps individuals understand and learn the correct methods and approaches for specific tasks.

After evaluating the options, it is clear that the correct answer is not A, criticism. The rest of the options (B, C, and D) are all factors required for the development of fine motor skills. Therefore, your answer is incorrect.