Put the following in the correct order.

Report results
Determine if hypothesis is true
Do background research
Construct a hypothesis
Collect data
Analyze results and draw conclusions
Design and implement an experiment
State the problem / ask questions

Correct Order

State the problem / ask questions
Construct a hypothesis
Do background research
Collect data
Design and implement an experiment
Report results
Determine if hypothesis is true
Analyze results and draw conclusions

How can you collect your data before you do the experiment?

State the problem / ask questions
Construct a hypothesis
Do background research
Design and implement an experiment
Collect data
Analyze results and draw conclusions
Determine if hypothesis is true
Report results

What da correct answer

To put the steps in the correct order, you can follow the scientific method. Here is the correct order:

1. State the problem/ask questions: Begin by identifying a specific problem or question that you want to investigate.

2. Do background research: Gather information and knowledge related to the problem or question. This will help you understand the existing theories, experiments, and findings related to your topic.

3. Construct a hypothesis: Based on your background research, propose an educated guess or explanation for the problem or question. This hypothesis should be testable and specific.

4. Collect data: Design and conduct an experiment or study to collect data. This may involve conducting observations, surveys, experiments, or any other appropriate method for gathering information.

5. Design and implement an experiment: Create a detailed plan for your experiment, including variables, control groups, and experimental conditions. Then, carry out your experiment following the prescribed procedures.

6. Analyze results and draw conclusions: Once you have collected relevant data, use statistical analysis and other appropriate methods to interpret your findings. Determine if your data supports or rejects your hypothesis.

7. Report results: Share your findings, whether they align with your hypothesis or not. This can involve writing a research paper, creating a presentation, or any other form of communication to present your results.

8. Determine if hypothesis is true: Evaluate whether your hypothesis is supported or refuted based on the collected data and the conclusions drawn from the analysis.

By following these steps in order, you can conduct a structured scientific investigation and arrive at reliable conclusions.