John Locke believed that if government does not protect natural rights, then..

a) Citizens know the government is working because they have safety.

b) It breaks the social contract and people can create a new government.

c) Citizens should combine the parts of the government into a single branch.

d) It must have a good reason for doing so and citizens should not complain.

I think it's A, am I right?

Actually, John Locke's belief regarding the role of government and the protection of natural rights is best represented by option b) It breaks the social contract and people can create a new government.

John Locke was an influential philosopher during the Enlightenment era who believed in the concept of natural rights. According to Locke, natural rights refer to the inherent and universal rights that all individuals possess, such as the rights to life, liberty, and property. Locke believed that these rights are not granted by the government, but are instead inherent to every human being.

Locke argued that the primary purpose of government is to protect these natural rights. In his view, if a government fails to fulfill this duty and infringes upon the natural rights of its citizens, then it has effectively violated the social contract—an implicit agreement between the people and the government. When this happens, Locke believed that the people have the right to rebel against the unjust government and establish a new one that will better protect their natural rights.

Therefore, option b) correctly represents John Locke's belief that if a government does not protect natural rights, it breaks the social contract and people can create a new government.

... if government does not protect natural rights ... <~~Emphasis on "not"

Rethink ...

Oh yeah. I read it wrong, so it's B then since none of the other answers don't make since?


yep sorry it is b

B is correct, I'm in 8th grade, I learned this in 6th grade... B is right.