amos has 12 action , 15 comedy,. and 9 drama dvds, find the ratio of action dvds to the total number of dvds.

add all of the dvds up so 12+15+9=36

the ratio is action : total
action is 12
total is 36
12:36 is your answer

My answer is 36/1

To find the ratio of action DVDs to the total number of DVDs, you need to divide the number of action DVDs by the total number of DVDs.

Step-by-step calculation:
1. Add the number of action, comedy, and drama DVDs to find the total number of DVDs: 12 + 15 + 9 = 36 DVDs.
2. Divide the number of action DVDs (12) by the total number of DVDs (36): 12/36.
3. Simplify the ratio if possible. In this case, both 12 and 36 can be divided by 12: 12/36 = 1/3.

Therefore, the ratio of action DVDs to the total number of DVDs is 1:3 or 1/3.


12=number of action dvds
(12+15+9)= total number of dvds

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