1)At 1 p.m., Lin records an outside temperature of –14.8°F. At 3 p.m... she records the outside temperature and notices the temperature had increased by 22.6 degrees.

What was the temperature that she recorded at 3 p.m.? ( no multiple choice) *confused on this question*

2) (x - 16) + 5 = -15
This is not multiple choice but my answer is -11

3) 5 = –(–z + 3)

–8 *my answer*



4) The temperature at the summit of Mt. Mansfield dropped 17°F between 4 p.m. and 11 p.m. The temperature at 11 p.m. was –11°F. What was the temperature at 4 p.m.?

17 – t = –11 *my answer*

t – 17 = –11

11 – 17 = t

17 + 11 = t
Thanks I was kinda confused on one or two

Let's start with the first question if it says the temperature increase what does that tell you to do? (add,subtract,multiply, or divide)


Okay so add -14.8+22.6=?

1) To find the temperature recorded at 3 p.m., you need to add the temperature increase to the temperature recorded at 1 p.m. The temperature at 1 p.m. is given as -14.8°F, and the increase is given as 22.6 degrees.

So to find the temperature at 3 p.m., you would add -14.8°F and 22.6°F.

-14.8°F + 22.6°F = 7.8°F

Therefore, the temperature recorded at 3 p.m. was 7.8°F.

2) To solve the equation (x - 16) + 5 = -15, you can start by simplifying the equation by combining like terms.

(x - 16) + 5 = -15
x - 16 + 5 = -15
x - 11 = -15

To isolate x, you can add 11 to both sides of the equation:

x - 11 + 11 = -15 + 11
x = -4

Therefore, x = -4 is the solution to the equation.

3) To solve the equation 5 = –(–z + 3), you can start by simplifying the equation by removing the parentheses.

5 = –(–z + 3)
5 = –(–z) – 3
5 = z - 3

To isolate z, you can add 3 to both sides of the equation:

5 + 3 = z - 3 + 3
8 = z

Therefore, z = 8 is the solution to the equation.

4) To find the temperature at 4 p.m., you need to subtract the temperature drop from the temperature at 11 p.m. The temperature at 11 p.m. is given as -11°F, and the drop is given as 17°F.

So to find the temperature at 4 p.m., you would subtract 17°F from -11°F.

-11°F - 17°F = -28°F

Therefore, the temperature at 4 p.m. was -28°F.