In spanish why are the present-tense verbs for yo complete considered to be stem-changing verbs?

1.Because in some of them, when the e is stressed, it is changed to ie

2.Because in some of them, when the o is stressed, it is changed to we

3. Because in some of them, when the e is stressed it is changed to I

4. Because in some situations, the first person singular is irregular(My answer)

It's number 3 , just took the quiz !

The correct answer is: 1. Because in some of them, when the e is stressed, it is changed to ie.

In Spanish, stem-changing verbs, also known as "boot verbs," undergo a vowel change in the stem (the part of the verb before the -ar, -er, or -ir ending) in certain forms. For the yo (first person singular) form of present-tense verbs, there are several categories of stem-changing verbs.

One of these categories involves verbs where the stem contains an e that is stressed. In this case, the e in the stem changes to ie in the yo form. For example, the verb pensar (to think) follows this pattern: pienso (I think). Other common verbs in this category include cerrar (to close), empezar (to start), preferir (to prefer), and querer (to want).

So, when talking about the present-tense verbs for yo (first person singular) in Spanish, we consider them to be stem-changing verbs because in some of them, when the e is stressed, it is changed to ie.