HI, so when I was in the fifth grade I was in a play and I had to sing this song, but all i can remember of it is this:

in 1776 you see, we vowed to have our liberty for parlaiment carried a stick.. a sti-i-ck

Does anyone know this?

Based on the lyrics you provided, it seems like the song you are referring to is related to the year 1776 and the desire for liberty. To find out the name of the song and more information about it, you can try the following steps:

1. Use a search engine, like Google, and input the lyrics you remember, such as "in 1776 you see we vowed to have our liberty for parliament carried a stick." Enclose the lyrics in quotation marks for more accurate results.
2. Browse through the search results and look for any references to songs matching the lyrics.
3. Pay attention to any online forums, chat rooms, or websites where people discuss or inquire about similar songs from plays, especially around the fifth-grade level.
4. If you don't find any specific leads through a lyrics search, try reaching out to your fifth-grade classmates or former teachers who were involved in the play. They might remember the name of the song or have more details about it.
5. Additionally, if you recall the name of the play itself, you can search for information about the play and its songs. This can help narrow down the possibilities and lead to finding the song you are looking for.

Remember to be patient and persistent during your search, as finding specific song titles from plays can sometimes be challenging. Good luck!