In 1801, which of the following were Robert Livingston’s objectives when negotiating with the French?

i. to stop Spain from transferring land to France
ii. to buy New Orleans and Florida from France
iii. to create an alliance with France against Spain
iv. to purchase Canada and the Caribbean from France

I was wondering if someone could attach a link or something because i do not know

i love how its 2020 now and i need an answer to the exact same question

just tell him


it's 2022 and I need that answer to the exact same question.

2021 now and I also need this answer lmao

ii sir

Thanks for helping


To find the answer to your question about Robert Livingston's objectives when negotiating with the French in 1801, we can start by conducting a search using relevant keywords. Let's search for information about Livingston's negotiations with France in 1801.

You can perform this search on a search engine of your choice, such as Google or Bing, by typing in keywords like "Robert Livingston negotiations with France 1801." This will bring up a list of search results containing information about the topic.

When selecting a source, it is important to choose reliable and authoritative websites such as government archives, academic institutions, or reputable history websites to ensure the accuracy of the information you find. Usually, these sources are more likely to provide well-researched information with proper citations, allowing you to verify the facts.

Clicking on the search results that seem relevant to your question will give you access to detailed information about Robert Livingston's objectives during his negotiations with the French in 1801. Look for information that specifically addresses his objectives and see if any mentions are made about the options (i) to (iv) that you provided.

By exploring the reliable sources provided in the search results, you will be able to find the information you are looking for and verify the correct objectives of Robert Livingston during his negotiations with the French in 1801.

Spain had already transferred Louisiana to the French.

Anyway, here: