Which theme from Macbeth do these lines support?

"This supernatural soliciting
Cannot be ill, cannot be good. If ill,
Why hath it given me earnest of success,
Commencing in a truth?"

A) Those without convictions are easily manipulated.

B) Darkness is dangerous.

C) Ambition unchecked can lead to corruption.

D) Things are not always what they seem.

To determine which theme from Macbeth these lines support, we can analyze the meaning behind the lines.

The given lines are spoken by Macbeth after he encounters the three witches who prophesize his future success as a nobleman and king. In these lines, Macbeth is reflecting on the supernatural nature of the prophecies and questions whether they are good or evil. He wonders why he has already experienced a partial fulfillment of the prophecies if they were ill-intentioned.

From these lines, the theme that is evident is that "Things are not always what they seem." Macbeth is grappling with the ambiguity of the supernatural prophecies and their potential consequences. This theme is prominent throughout the play, as appearances often deceive and characters, like Macbeth, are faced with the challenge of distinguishing reality from illusion.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) "Things are not always what they seem."

The theme supported by these lines from Macbeth is D) Things are not always what they seem. In these lines, the speaker is questioning whether the supernatural encounter they have had is a good or bad omen, highlighting the idea that appearances can be deceiving.
