The Dutch, English, and french explorers of the 1500s and 1600s were seeking

A. A direct water route to asia***
B. English speaking Native Americans.
C. The gold of the Aztec Empire
D. Corn, tobacco, and squash
Is the answer a?

You're welcome.

A) is correct!

Yep A is it

A direct water route to Asia

Yes, the answer is A. A direct water route to Asia.

To arrive at this answer, we can deduce it by understanding the historical context and motivations of the Dutch, English, and French explorers during the 1500s and 1600s.

During this time, European powers were driven by the desire to find alternate trading routes to Asia, specifically to access the lucrative spice trade. The land routes to Asia, such as the Silk Road, were long and expensive, so finding a direct water route was highly sought after. The Dutch, English, and French explorers embarked on numerous voyages and expeditions to discover such a route, which eventually led to significant European colonization and the establishment of trade networks in Asia.

Therefore, A. A direct water route to Asia is the correct answer.


Thank you sorry fo the confusion