Please help me with the following:

Which is usually the best way to present or communicate inferred data?

A. in a bar graph

B. in a data table

C. in a simple diagram

D. in a written paragraph

I know the answer isn't C or D(I got C wrong), but now I think the answer is B. Is this correct?

Carlos is heading a student council project to improve cafeteria meals. He surveyed all students who eat cafeteria lunches to find out which of the five weekly cafeteria options they like least. What steps should Carlos take to best display this data?

A. He should total the votes for each of the options and plot these five values in a pie chart.

B. He should total the votes for each of the options and plot these five values in a line graph.

C. He should average the votes for each of the options and list the averages in a data table.

D. He should analyze the votes for each option and summarize the findings in a paragraph.

I know the answer isn't C(I got it wrong), but now I think the answer is A. Is this correct?

A biology class is studying the effect of temperature on the amount of growth of duckweed in an aquarium. What type of data will they need to collect, and which tools will most likely be used?

A. They will gather qualitative data, using a thermometer and a hand lens.

B. They will gather qualitative data, using a meterstick and a graduated cylinder.

C. They will gather quantitative data, using a thermometer and a balance.

D. They will gather quantitative data, using a beaker and a timer.

I know the answer isn't B(I got it wrong), but now I think it is C. Is this correct?

A researcher is collecting qualitative data pertaining to social behaviors of deer at different times of the day. How will she most likely need to organize this data?

A. in a pie graph
B. in a bar graph
C. in a line graph
D. in a data table

I know the answer isn't B(I got it wrong), but now I think the answer is D. Is this correct?

Please help me by checking my answers. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!! :)

The answer to 1 and 4 are A. I got it right on my quiz 3 is c .5-6 is d. 7 is b

8 is c 9 is b and 10 is d

on number one i got D i believe D is correct because i know C is wrong and everyone i have talked to has said D for the first one

For the first question, the best way to present or communicate inferred data is usually in a written paragraph (option D). Inferred data often requires explanation and interpretation, which can be effectively communicated through written paragraphs.

For the second question, to best display the data on the cafeteria options, Carlos should total the votes for each option and plot these five values in a bar graph (option B). A bar graph would show the frequency or count of votes for each option, allowing for easy comparison.

For the third question, the biology class studying the effect of temperature on the amount of growth of duckweed in an aquarium will need to collect quantitative data. They will most likely use a thermometer to measure the temperature and a balance to measure the amount of growth. So, the answer is option C.

For the fourth question, the researcher collecting qualitative data pertaining to social behaviors of deer at different times of the day would most likely need to organize this data in a data table (option D). Qualitative data is often classified and organized in tables, allowing for easy comparison and analysis.

To summarize, the correct answers are:

1. D - in a written paragraph
2. B - plot these five values in a bar graph
3. C - quantitative data, using a thermometer and a balance
4. D - in a data table

Can someone please check my four answers to four questions?

I really need someone to check these quickly right now. I am so sorry if I seem impatient, it's just my mom wants me to get other things with my school done today.