The Fly wheel has a small magnet of mass M mounted on it. Each time the magnet passes the coil, a voltage pulse is generated , which is passes to the c.r.o the display of the c.r.o is 10 cm wide . The flywheel is rotating at a rate of about 3000 revolutions per minute . Which time-base setting will display clearly separate pulses onscreen.

(some one please answer this question with explanation)

Answer: 10ms cm-1

To display clearly separate pulses on the screen of the C.R.O (cathode ray oscilloscope), we need to determine the appropriate time-base setting. Let's break down the steps to get the answer:

1. Begin by converting the rotation rate of the flywheel from revolutions per minute (rpm) to revolutions per second (rps).
- Divide the given rotation rate (3000 rpm) by 60 seconds to get the rotation rate in rps.
- (3000 rpm) / (60 s) = 50 rps

2. Now, we need to calculate the time taken for one revolution of the flywheel. This is also known as the period (T) of rotation.
- The period, T = (1 / rotation rate) = (1 / 50 rps) = 0.02 seconds or 20 milliseconds (ms)

3. The voltage pulse is generated each time the magnet passes the coil. To display clearly separate pulses, we need to find a time-base setting on the C.R.O that can capture one complete pulse.

4. The width of the C.R.O display is given as 10 cm. Let's assume that the voltage pulse takes up the full width of the display.

5. Since the display width represents the time taken (horizontal axis) to capture the pulse, we need to find a time-base setting that corresponds to the pulse width.

6. By considering the previous calculations, where the period of rotation is 20 ms, we can set the time-base on the C.R.O to match this duration. This will allow us to display one complete pulse clearly on the screen.

7. In this case, the appropriate time-base setting is 20 ms/cm or 10 ms cm-1.

Hence, the time-base setting that will display clearly separate pulses on the C.R.O screen is 10 ms cm-1.