What is the volume of a cube that has the following measurements (length 20.0 cm, width 152 mm, height 0.458 m)

First it isn't what I call a cube because the dimensions of each side are not the same. The volume is length x width x height but be sure to change the units so all of them are the same. I would suggest you change all to cm which will be 20.0 cm x 15.2 cm x 45.8 cm = ? cubic centimeters

To find the volume of a cube, you need to know the length, width, and height of the cube. In this case, the measurements of the cube are given in different units. To calculate the volume, we need to convert the measurements to the same unit.

First, let's convert the width from millimeters to centimeters. Since 1 centimeter is equal to 10 millimeters, the width of 152 mm is equal to 15.2 cm.

Next, let's convert the height from meters to centimeters. Since 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters, the height of 0.458 m is equal to 45.8 cm.

Now that the measurements are all in centimeters, we can calculate the volume of the cube using the formula:

Volume = length * width * height

Plugging in the values:

Volume = 20.0 cm * 15.2 cm * 45.8 cm

Calculating the volume:

Volume = 13856 cubic centimeters

Therefore, the volume of the cube is 13856 cubic centimeters.