Steve, Lindsay, and Christine are the lead singers in a band. They will sing 18 songs. Lindsay will sing 8 songs. Christine will sing 6 fewer songs than Stevie. How many songs will stevie sing.

18 - (8 + 6) = ?

To find out how many songs Stevie will sing, let's denote the number of songs Stevie will sing as "x".

We know that Lindsay will sing 8 songs, and Christine will sing 6 fewer songs than Stevie. This means Christine will sing (x - 6) songs.

The total number of songs sung by Lindsay, Christine, and Stevie should add up to 18 songs, so we can create an equation:

x + (x - 6) + 8 = 18

Simplifying the equation:

2x - 6 + 8 = 18
2x + 2 = 18
2x = 18 - 2
2x = 16

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

x = 16 / 2
x = 8

Therefore, Stevie will sing 8 songs.