1. Explain how the Code of Hammurabi influences politcal thought.

A: The Code of Hammurabi influenced political thought because it was the first written code of law ever created. It was a very effective way to keep order and prevent conflict and was thus used a a template for future civilizations' laws. Furthermore, Hammurabi's code gave tofay's government the basics for punishing citizens for their crimes. Although the Code of Hammurabi gave more extreme punishments, it taught the government that every crime must have its own punishment.

2. Explain how the systems of government in Sparta and Athens influences Western political thought. Be sure to discuss how the two systems differed.

A: Sparta government influenced Western political thought as it essentially created the idea, or concept, of a consititional monarchy--a form of democratic government in which a monarch acts as a non-party politcal head of state within the boundaries of a constitution but does not set public policy or choose political leaders. Unlike Sparta, Athens had a direct democracy which also influened Western political thought. For without the Athenians developing direct democracy, we might not have had democracy as we know it today.

3. How did the governments favored by Plato and Aristotle differ? Which view makes more sense to you?

A: Plato believed that the government or state consisted of three layers. He believed that the average people were the lower class with the warriors or protectors of the state serving as the middle class. According to Plato, pholosophers-kings then made up the upper class. However, unlike Plato, Aristotle believed the states to be like a living organism. He believed that a society consisted of various parts, and each had a function in establishing a political system. Thus, Aristotle's view of how a government should be makes more sense to me.

I don't know whether my answers are correct, and I must hurry.


Your first two answers are good.

I don't know about the last answer.

3. The government favored by Plato consisted of classes and categorization, whereas Aristotle's favored form of government was a constitutional one. Thus, Aristotle's view makes more sense to me.

To understand how the Code of Hammurabi influences political thought, we need to examine its historical context and impact. The Code of Hammurabi was a set of laws created by the Babylonian King Hammurabi around 1750 BCE. It was the first known written code of law and served as a cornerstone for legal systems in ancient Mesopotamia.

The Code of Hammurabi influenced political thought in several ways. First, it established the idea that laws should be written down and made accessible to the public. Before Hammurabi's code, laws were often arbitrary and subject to the whims of rulers. By codifying laws and making them publicly visible, Hammurabi created a sense of transparency and predictability in legal proceedings.

Second, the Code of Hammurabi provided a comprehensive set of laws that covered a wide range of actions and their corresponding punishments. It included provisions for various aspects of life, such as trade, property rights, family, and criminal offenses. This codification of laws helped maintain social order and prevent conflict by clearly outlining acceptable behavior and its consequences.

Furthermore, the Code of Hammurabi served as a template for future civilizations' legal systems. Many later societies, including ancient Greece and Rome, drew inspiration from the Code of Hammurabi when establishing their own legal codes. Even today, the concept of codified laws and the principle of "an eye for an eye" can still be seen in certain legal systems around the world.

Moving on to the systems of government in Sparta and Athens and their influence on Western political thought, we find contrasting models. In Sparta, a constitutional monarchy prevailed, where a king acted as the non-party political head of state within the boundaries of a constitution but did not set public policy or choose political leaders. Sparta's government was known for its militaristic and authoritarian nature, emphasizing the strength and discipline of its citizen-soldiers.

On the other hand, Athens practiced direct democracy, where eligible citizens participated directly in decision-making and governance. This system allowed citizens to have a voice in public affairs and influence political decision-making. It was in Athens that the idea of democracy as we know it today took root, with principles of equality, citizenship rights, and political participation.

Both Spartan and Athenian systems of government had an impact on Western political thought. Sparta's emphasis on discipline, patriotism, and a powerful military contributed to the concept of a strong state and the role of a leader in maintaining order. Athens, with its direct democracy, promoted the idea of active citizen involvement and the importance of individual liberties.

Considering the two views of government favored by Plato and Aristotle, we can observe some differences. Plato believed in a hierarchical system where philosophers-kings, who possess wisdom and intellectual superiority, should rule. He viewed society as consisting of three classes: the lower class, composed of average citizens; the middle class, consisting of warriors or protectors of the state; and the upper class, comprising philosopher-kings. Plato's view emphasized the importance of wisdom and knowledge in governing.

In contrast, Aristotle saw the state as a living organism made up of diverse parts, each with its own function in establishing a political system. He emphasized a more practical and inclusive approach to government, where a mixed constitution incorporating elements of democracy, aristocracy, and monarchy would be most effective. Aristotle's view of government focused on moderation, balance, and ensuring the common good.

As an AI, I don't possess personal opinions, but the Aristotelian view of government resonates with many scholars and thinkers. Aristotle's emphasis on the balance of power and the importance of diverse voices in decision-making allows for a more inclusive and adaptable political system. However, it is important to note that both Plato and Aristotle's ideas have contributed significantly to political thought and continue to influence discussions on governance and society today.