Jamestown grew tobacco, what about Plymouth?

Plymouth Colony had very little agriculture.

What were their goods

They hunted, fished and conducted a fur trade. Later they raised cattle.


To find out whether Plymouth also grew tobacco, we can analyze historical records or sources related to the Plymouth Colony. One way to do this is by researching primary accounts, such as diaries, letters, or reports from the colonists themselves. Secondary sources like history books or academic articles can also provide information gathered from various historical records.

To start, we should consult reliable sources that discuss the agriculture and economic activities of the Plymouth Colony. Here are the steps you can follow to find this information:

1. Begin by searching for books or academic articles that provide insights into the Plymouth Colony's agriculture or economic practices. Databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your local library's digital catalog can be helpful for finding such sources. Use keywords like "Plymouth Colony agriculture" or "economic activities of Plymouth Colony."

2. Look for sources that specifically mention the crops cultivated or industries pursued by the Plymouth Colony. Check for any references to tobacco farming or tobacco-related endeavors.

3. While reading these sources, make sure to critically evaluate the information provided. Cross-reference multiple sources to confirm the accuracy of the information and to get a more comprehensive understanding.

4. Take note of any specific details about the crops grown in Plymouth, including whether tobacco cultivation was mentioned or not.

By following these steps, you should be able to find a reliable answer regarding whether Plymouth grew tobacco or not, based on historical records and reliable sources.