How do you say. We sing at the concert?

No google translate please..

Nous chantons au concert.

To translate the phrase "We sing at the concert" without using Google Translate, you can follow these steps:

1. Break down the sentence into individual words: "We," "sing," "at," "the," and "concert."

2. Determine the language you want to translate the phrase into. Let's assume you want to translate it into Spanish.

3. Look up the translations of each word in a Spanish-English dictionary or use a language learning resource such as Duolingo or Babbel. Here are the translations:

- We = Nosotros
- Sing = Cantamos
- At = En
- The = El/La/Los/Las (depending on the context)
- Concert = Concierto

4. Put the translated words together in the correct order based on the grammar rules of the target language. In Spanish, the word order is usually subject-verb-object. So, "We sing" would be "Nosotros cantamos." Add the preposition "at" to get "Nosotros cantamos en." Finally, add the appropriate article for "the concert," which could be "el concierto" (if the concert is masculine) or "la concierto" (if the concert is feminine).

So, "We sing at the concert" can be translated to "Nosotros cantamos en el concierto" in Spanish.