Which statement is true about this sentence: "Few Americans speak fluent French"?

A. The one adjective in the sentence modifies the subject.
B. There are adjectives modifying both the subject and the object.
C. The verb in this sentence could be an adjective.
D. There is only one adjective in the sentence, and it modifies French

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In order to determine which statement is true about the given sentence, let's analyze the sentence and its components:

"Few Americans speak fluent French."

The subject of the sentence is "Few Americans," which refers to a limited number of Americans.

The verb in this sentence is "speak," which indicates the action being performed by the subject.

The direct object of the sentence is "French," which refers to the language being spoken.

Now, let's evaluate each given statement:

A. The one adjective in the sentence modifies the subject.
This statement is incorrect because the sentence contains two adjectives: "Few" modifies "Americans," and "fluent" modifies "French."

B. There are adjectives modifying both the subject and the object.
This statement is correct. "Few" modifies the subject "Americans," and "fluent" modifies the object "French."

C. The verb in this sentence could be an adjective.
This statement is incorrect because the verb "speak" is not an adjective. It is an action verb.

D. There is only one adjective in the sentence, and it modifies French.
This statement is incorrect because there are two adjectives in the sentence: "Few" modifies "Americans," and "fluent" modifies "French."

Therefore, the correct answer is B. There are adjectives modifying both the subject and the object.