Not sure: Which of the following phrases best defines rhythm? (1 point)

Repeated sounds across lines of poetry my answer
a poem's cadence, pace, or ongoing momentum
A collection of lines in a poem
The regular of irregular rhyme scheme in a poem

To determine the correct answer, we should understand the meaning of the term "rhythm" and then evaluate each option accordingly.

Rhythm refers to the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a poem, creating a musical quality and an overall sense of flow. It involves the arrangement of sounds and the pacing of words. Now, let's go through the options given:

1. Repeated sounds across lines of poetry: This option references repetition, which is a poetic device often used to create rhythm. However, it does not encompass the entirety of what rhythm represents.

2. A poem's cadence, pace, or ongoing momentum: This option seems to align well with the concept of rhythm. Cadence refers to the rise and fall of the voice in speech or poetry, and pace refers to the speed or tempo at which the poem is read. Both of these elements contribute to the overall sense of rhythm.

3. A collection of lines in a poem: This option does not directly define rhythm. Rather, it refers to the broader concept of a group of lines within a poem, which may or may not have rhythmic qualities.

4. The regular or irregular rhyme scheme in a poem: Rhyme scheme, while related to sound patterns, specifically focuses on the arrangement of rhyming words. It is an important element of poetry but not the sole factor contributing to rhythm.

Considering these evaluations, option 2 - "A poem's cadence, pace, or ongoing momentum" - best defines rhythm. It encompasses the various components that contribute to the overall sense of flow and musicality in a poem.